A large number of keen volunteers are required over the coming month to assist with a major pest control operation at Parininihi (Whitecliffs). This work is a key part of ensuring the Tiaki te Mauri o Parininihi Trust realise their goal of bringing Kōkako back to Taranaki!
The first volunteer days will take place on August 15th & 16th.
Volunteer days will also take place on the following weekends –
August 22nd & 23rd
Augst 29th & 30th
September 5th & 6th
The day will start at Pukearuhe Marae at 8:30am, and field work will finish around 4:30pm followed by kai at the marae.
Full training and safety briefing will be provided, all you need is a good level of fitness. Weather permitting.
Please RSVP with your availability to TaranakiConservationists@gmail.com
Tiaki Te Mauri o Parininihi is conducting a major ground based pest control to prepare the Parininihi forests (aka Whitecliffs) in North Taranaki for the return of kōkako.
The Trust is wanting keen fit volunteers to help with the work of filling 280 of 1400 bait stations.
We are using a toxic bait (diphacinone) to kill rats. This chemical is toxic if ingested but you don’t need a license to use it. There is minimal risk to humans. All safety gear and information will be provided. We will have a form to fill out – for safety purposes and to find out your experience and fitness level.
We will be on public tracks most of the time, including Whitecliffs walkway track. The operation will only take place in settled weather (ie. no more than a bit of drizzle). A decision on the weather will be made the day before.
The first trip to Parininihi is Saturday 15th August, with a second day on SUnday 16th if people are available. This and the next 3 weekends will be volunteer weekends.
Meeting place is 8.30am at Pukearuhe Marae. To get there, turn off at Pukearuhe Road from SH3 past Urenui, and continue on approximately 10 km to turn right on to Waikaramarama Road. Car sharing will occur from NP and from SH3A/3 intersection at the weigh bridge. Please indicate your RSVP if you would like to car share.
We will walk out down the beach at around 4.30pm. Kai (dinner) will be provided at the marae at the end of each day. You are welcome to stay overnight at the marae.
Responsible teens and children are allowed with a parent or guardian. The youngsters won’t be handling poison.