About Parininihi

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa

Ko Parininihi te matua kanohi o Ngati Tama whanui


Parininihi consists of 2000 hectares of coastal to inland forest, stretching from the dramatic Whitecliffs inland to Mt Messenger.  This land was returned to Ngāti Tama as part of the treaty settlement with the Crown.

Ngāti Tama, the northern most Iwi of the eight Taranaki Iwi, are tangata whenua and kaitiaki or guardians of Parininihi. These lands hold high cultural, historic and spiritual significance to Ngāti Tama.   Ngāti Tama strive to maintain the health of Parininihi and have been working to control animal pests and reintroduce species that have been lost.   This iwi-led conservation project is the first of its kind in Taranaki.

 Tiaki Te Mauri O Parininihi Trust was formed in 2012 to guide and support the work at Parininihi, and includes people from Ngati Tama and the wider community.  The trust aims to restore and protect the values of Parininihi, by undertaking a major long-term ecological management project that includes pest control, species recovery and translocations.